How are you? hope fine?Am all smiles right now and that's the feeling i get when a follower on Facebook says " i saw your dresses and they are beautiful ! can you make mine?" it gives me joy unspeakable. If you are not following my page on Facebook what are you waiting for? just click here and lets be friends on Instagram here. Flare is one cloth pattern
that will never go out of vogue and that's because every generation comes with a vibe to include it in almost every chichi attire to give you a sassy look and am sure you did catch the fever at one point to sew almost all your dresses into something flare. Some people complain of their flare not being as full as they want and others want something flare but not full. i wrote a post about Flare and its dimensions here and you can check out how to cut an A-shaped flare here. Do you know i have been calling it flay instead of flare just found out the right word is flare *covers face* and i have been calling it flay all along chai! Ada-uju ooo. We learn everyday!
Its very easy to cut a full flare and once you understand the trick you can cut it even with your eyes closed....emmm don't do that ooo.
First of all spread out your fabric,
then fold into two.
After that, just fold like you are forming a triangle
Like this......
then measure out your desired width....when doing that, do it in a rather spherical way. A little rounded on the edges
like this!!! *smiles*
then measure out your desired length.
Do this at different points of the width line to get an even length all rounder
when you are done taking your length measurement at different points of the width join the markings
like this!
and finally...
and cut.
this is how it looks still folded...
and here's the bloom look! isn't it beautiful?
I had to do some side slicing to flare to get the look you see in gown. Do you now see that its very easy to cut a full flare? hmmmm?
Let me know what you think of this gown in the comment section, feel free to ask questions where confused and you can check out how i made this gown here. Show some love by sharing this post to someone new to sewing remember sharing is caring!
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